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Links of Interest

When we come across something that we feel might be of interest to clients or consultants, we will often update this page with a link to the content.  Prior to doing so however, we always secure permission from the content owner and ask them for any special conditions around how we should present their information.  Exceptions to this process would be for the obvious reason - common public URLs (IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, etc), links presented by the content-owner with blanket approval for linking, etc.

If you have suggestions for inclusion on this page, please refer to our "Contact" page and email our GTSG Domain Admin email address.  Thanks and enjoy!

Our lists

  • Cisco Internet Protocol Journal
    It's not light reading, but the IP Journal always has great information in it.  You can subscribe to the print version if you prefer
  • IBM Redbooks
    Yeah, we know - but there are actually some folks out there that don't know about IBM Redbooks.  For those of you who live by these, you should consider a residency - it's a great experience
  • Our friends at Nube
    Nube is the Spanish word for "Cloud".  Nube is a Virtualization/Cloud computing company that specializes in VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), Storage solutions for Virtual Infrastructures, Advanced VMware Training, and Cloud-based Test and Proof of Concept "Cloud Labs".  Nube is a consortium of highly experienced Consultants who have pooled their resources and knowledge bases to the advantage of their clients.  Nube recently partnered with Outernet in Austin Texas.  Nube cloud-based "Cloud Lab" and training are now delivered out of this facility.